Our Journey

Celebrating Over Three Decades of Empowerment and Care

The Birth of BirthCare

In the spring air of 1987, amidst the blooming landscapes of Alexandria, Virginia, a partnership was born on the deck of Alice Bailes' home. With a firm handshake and shared vision, Marsha Jackson and Alice embarked on a mission to revolutionize women's healthcare. Thus, these two midwives founded BirthCare & Women’s Health Ltd., offering a sanctuary for natural home birth and personalized GYN care. This visionary beginning marked the inception of a journey towards empowering birthing people, women, and families in the DC metropolitan area.

Evolving with Grace

As the needs of our community grew, so did BirthCare. In 1992, responding to a gap in the availability of homebirth professional liability insurance, Marsha & Alice pioneered the establishment of an accredited birth center. This expansion allowed BirthCare to offer another safe, comforting alternative to hospital births, solidifying their commitment to providing choice and personalized care to the families we serve.

A Legacy of Leadership and Learning

The founders, Marsha and Alice, not only nurtured families but also contributed significantly to the field of midwifery. They spearheaded a retrospective and prospective study of home birth practice with certified nurse-midwives in the United States published in 1995 and 2002. Through co-authoring pivotal literature, including the ACNM Handbook on Home Birth Practice and a chapter in the seminal textbook, "Varney’s Midwifery", they have left an indelible mark on the profession.  Their scholarly work continued to evolve, addressing modern challenges and promoting a physiologic approach to birth and pregnancy. This led to their contributions to a complete chapter in the resource book "Supporting a Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth," published in 2013.

A Community of Care

Following Alice's retirement in 2013, Marsha became the sole owner of BirthCare and, along with a committed team of midwives, carried on the vital task of serving the community and serving as preceptors for students.  Marsha’s work extended far beyond the walls of BirthCare & Women’s Health.  In the heart of the community, she engaged with a network of physicians, mothers, and birth workers, weaving a tapestry of support that nurtured countless families. Marsha’s efforts in fostering a vibrant community of care were instrumental in building lasting relationships between mothers, facilitating knowledge exchange, and enhancing the collective wisdom of birth workers. This community, united by Marsha's dedication and compassion, stands as a testament to the power of shared experiences and mutual support and services in the journey of childbirth and parenting.

Amidst BirthCare’s inception, it's crucial to acknowledge the layered challenges faced by BirthCare as a black-owned business. Marsha, a beacon of resilience, navigated the complexities and societal hurdles with unwavering determination.

Growth and Gratitude

BirthCare’s timeline is a testament to relentless dedication and to the trust of the families that have been served. From the incorporation in 1987; to Marsha and Alice providing prenatal and GYN services in their homes; to the opening of BirthCare’s first office; through the ongoing accreditation of the birth center; and to the continuous expansion of BirthCare’s services and team… every milestone has been embraced with gratitude. BirthCare’s website launched in 1998, the introduction of the BirthCare Yahoo Group, and the participation in the MANA Stats and other research projects, reflects BirthCare’s commitment to accessibility and community support.

A Future Built on Foundations of Care

BirthCare’s journey, enriched by every family we meet and every baby we welcome, is propelled forward by a commitment to excellence, innovation, and compassionate care.

The next chapter introduces an inspiring figure, Dr. Elle Schnetzler, DM, CM, FACNM, a vanguard in Virginia's midwifery landscape and the new steward of our cherished practice. Dr. Schnetzler, with a commendable history as a Colonel in the U.S. Army, embodies leadership, strategic insight, and a profound dedication to diversity and community empowerment.

Her initiative, Midwifery In Color, stands as a beacon of inclusivity within the profession, reflecting her deep commitment to healthcare excellence and community well-being. Elle's extensive education and involvement on prestigious boards, such as the American Midwifery Certification Board, the National CVS Health Equity Board, and the Virginia Perinatal Neonatal Collaborative, underscore her dedication not just to healthcare, but to societal uplift and transformation.

With Elle's transition, BirthCare & Women’s Health is not just witnessing a change in leadership but is embracing a vision that marries the wisdom of the past with the innovations of the future. Her role promises to infuse the practice with new energy, strategic direction, and a continued commitment to the communities we serve, ensuring that our foundation of care remains strong and expansive, ready to welcome the possibilities that lie ahead. Elle's acquisition of BirthCare solidifies its position as the second-oldest black-owned birth center in the United States and the first black-owned birth center in Virginia.